Past Posts

December 21, 2009

Some recent observations.

- Art observed that there are no purple Christmas lights. "Why are
there no purple lights, Mama?" I never noticed that before!
Apparently I do not know "all of the things".

- Art dressed himself from head to toe yesterday for the first time.
Socks, underwear, pants, shirt, sweater. He was very proud and
pleased. So was I.

- Lewis took off his own shirt yesterday for the first time. He was
thrilled to be almost naked. And he is 2 1/2 years ahead of his

- Lewis loves to be naked. But most people who have been over know that.

- The boys' rooms have been reversed. And now Art has Ben's old
dresser, I have Lewis's old dresser and Lewis has Art's old dresser.
Art is very confused. But sleeping well.

- Lewis likes multiple gackoos. The addiction is in it's most developed form.

That's all for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"The boys' rooms have been reversed. And now Art has Ben's old
dresser, I have Lewis's old dresser and Lewis has Art's old dresser.
Art is very confused. But sleeping well."

BUt who's dresser does BEN have!!!!!