Past Posts

December 22, 2009

Music video battle.

I just can't resist sharing this wonderful little story even though it has nothing to do with the kiddos. I just watched a spot on the Rachel Maddow show about two high schools in Washington State who challenged each other to a YouTube music video battle. They're just super fun!

(from the local TV station)
SHORELINE, Wash. - It began in November when Shorecrest High School produced a music video to Outkast's "Hey Ya!" The students banded together, performing for four minutes as the camera operator walked the halls of the school while students lip synced to the song. The video was shot with one take, meaning that there were no video cuts. It was all-or-nothing and it became a YouTube hit.

Their longtime competitors in football and band, Shorewood High School, weren't going to be one-upped. Shorewood has just released their competing video to Hall and Oates' "You Make My Dreams Come True." It was also shot in one take, but with a twist They shot it in reverse. The students had to learn how to lip sync the song backward.

At the end of the video is a message: "Try and beat that Shorecrest!"
Game on. Shorecrest says it's already planning its response, but the students aren't ready to give away what that is.

1 comment:

Laurel said...

Love this. I love that OutKast song so much and I'd forgotten about it! Si was not a fan, unfortunately.