Past Posts

July 07, 2012

Roche-A-Cre State Park.

This is the last post from our recent trip the cottage. We went for a day trip to Roche-A-Cre State Park in Wisconsin. The first half of our time there was pretty miserable as we walked along a super buggy, swampy trail in the woods with hot grouchy children. But then!

We had some food and found the trail leading to the top of Roche-A-Cre Mound there was a spectacular look out (up 303 steps). Jess and I each strapped a baby to our back and crossed our fingers the boys, or my mother :), wouldn't whine about being tired (she has a bad knee right now). Amazingly Lewis, who often says "mine legs are tired," flew up the steps and was the first to the top. I was fun watching him climb with such enthusiasm. Arthur however, is scared of heights and crawled at times. But he powered through and we all reached the top. The view was really spectacular.

Lewis and his amazing legs.

Arthur and unnamed sister.

Thanks, Ma, for taking the photo of us at the top. Sorry we didn't get one of you!

Re-posting this to see the fancy view.

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