Past Posts

January 19, 2012

Crashed Ice coverage.

For work recently I photographed a weird event called Crashed Ice in St. Paul. Not really a sport, mostly and advertising thing for Red Bull. But that said, it was pretty spectacular and fun. Basically it was a steep, winding ice sheet for skaters. Many were injured and someone backed out after realizing how scary the thing was.

I took a number of videos and photos, including these aerial photographs that received a great deal of attention (local media writer David Brauer interviewed me about it). As soon as I landed I tweeted my favorite photo and it blew up from there. I admit the photos were pretty cool, but in some ways it's too bad I got so much attention for images that we more a product of planning and execution than true journalism. But that's just the way these things happen and I'll certainly soak up the limelight while it's on me!

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