Past Posts

October 09, 2010

In the midst of twins

Arthur and Lewis are doing well. Right now I feel like Jessica and I each have our own role. She's taking care of our new twin girls and I'm doing my best to keep Art and Lew's life normal or at least close to. Art already seems to be in a little less control of his body, but he also hasn't napped for three days straight. Alot of places to go and new really big things to think about for his little self.

Jessica was reading in a twins book (or perhaps just a baby book?) about how it feels good for Art and Lewis when people continue to ask about their lives and what they're doing and not just about what they think of their new sisters. I  just want them to feel like they're still important and thoughtful and everything isn't just about these two new strangers invading their formerly peaceful home.

Art's preschool Willow will be a wonderful constant for him. There, nothing will change. His friends, the attention he gets. It's a constant. Here's a recent post his teacher and our friend Jen made on the school blog:


Today was such a big play day. There were at least 6 major castles built. 5 books read. The animal stacking game was played about 6 times. The magnets were played with by 3 kids. Dyed our golden capes. The colored pyramid blocks were played with with all day long in rotation. Soleil played with the train for a good hour. I checked in with her at least 6 times. It's all she wanted to do. Well she did take a break for snack, but went right over after snack. Art and Si built this today and I asked them what it was and they said it was "so they couldn't fight each other."
It was a beautiful preschool day. It was full of friends and games and fun.

Anyway, as I was telling Jessica earlier tonight when I slipped off to the hospital while Bubbe fixed dinner for the kids--I miss the girls and look forward to getting to know them better. I actually haven't spent much time with them and have instead stayed at home and put Art and Lew to bed stuff. So it'll be great when they come home tomorrow. I know Arthur and Lewis are really looking forward to it, too. Lewis asked about them and wanted to make sure they were coming home.

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