Past Posts

November 04, 2008

New president

I just went in to kiss my children after hearing Barack Obama give his victory speech.  There were tears in my eyes.  Obama asked what changes will his children see if they have the good fortune to live 106 years.  What changes can we, Americans, make in Art and Lew's lifetime?  Just think of it now.  I'm so proud that they get to grow up in this time.  I'm so proud of my country right now.  It feels really good.  I can't wait until tomorrow to hear what's next.


Ben said...

I just cried reading this. Wish I could be there. I'm still here at the republican headquarters waiting for the Coleman/Franken race to be called (it's 12:18am and it's deadlocked). Anyway, it's so so so so so wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I totally agree. Reading the paper this morning was an emotional experience. I am so happy, happy for Art and Lew. xxn

Anonymous said...
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