Past Posts

April 25, 2008

Garvin Boys Update

For anyone out there who's wondering, the Garvin boys are all doing well.  Lewis has been having bouts of fussiness, but a lactation consultant diagnosed the potential cause of his gassiness over the phone and I will try some things this weekend to help him.  Art is slowly adjusting to the new house dynamic.  He is dealing with disappointment a little better each day - fewer meltdowns over things like changing clothes or food falling apart - and he is always coming up with the funniest things.  He's a comedian!  He sings the ABC's and sticks in a "Papa!" here and there ('A b c d e f g, h i j k l o n o PAPA!') and is just funny.  Yesterday I was reading a magazine on the couch and he came over to me with a 30" window blind box saying, "I'm going to read this big, loooooong book!  It's a Eiffel Tower!"

The oldest of our family's Garvin boys, Ben, is also doing really well.  As many of our friends and family know, Ben was named Minnesota Photographer of the Year by the MN Press Photographer's Assocation.  That's one no-slouch acheivement, Ben!  Not only that, but one of his photo stories won Best in Show, in competition for the honor with another one of his photo stories!  GO BEN!

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