A while back we signed Arthur up with a modeling agency, and this morning Art had his first shoot. It was for the cover of Target's annual report. They put him in a red shirt, in a red cart, with lots of red products, and asked him to smile. He was overwhelmed at first but as soon as I muttered "chicken riiiiiiice" in the background he gave some excellent smiles. The photographers seemed real happy. That said, modeling doesn't pay much and jess and I agree that we won't do it as soon as Art understands what the hell is going on. But it was a fun outing and they gave Art a bunch of strawberries after the shoot!
It's so funny to see him in that cart with a bunch of stuff. Ben also said that his hair is real crunchy from the styling products, and that Art was not the only one who started laughing when he said, "Chicken riiiiice". I can't wait to ask Art about his experience when he wakes up.
So is Target having a sale? One free kid for every purchase of paper towels?
Those are good pictures though. It's a crazy world.
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